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Let's See How Funny Can A Child Be

来源: 作者: 时间:2010-08-25 Tag:Fun   joke   kid   点击:


Being Prepared
I was not thrilled with the idea of letting my clueless(无能的) 13-year-old son babysit his younger sisters, even though he begged me to.

"What about a fire?"

I asked, referring to my No. 1 concern.

"Mom," he said, rolling his eyes, "I'm a Boy Scout(童子军). I know how to start a fire."


The Delicious Drug
My husband, a deputy district attorney(副检察官), was teaching an antidrug class to a group of Cub Scouts(幼童军). When he asked if anyone could list the gateway drugs, one Scout had the answer: "Cigarettes, beer, and marinara(一种沙司)"


In the Supermarket
At our supermarket, I noticed a woman with four boys and a baby. Her patience was wearing thin as the boys called out, "Mommy! Mommy!" while she tried to shop.

Finally, she blurted out, "I don't want to hear the word mommy for at least ten minutes!"

The boys fell silent for a few seconds. Then one tugged on his mother's dress and said softly, "Excuse me, miss."


What Boys Want
"Boys just like one thing," my ten-year-old told a friend. Oh, no, the end of her innocence, I thought. Then she announced her finding: "PlayStations."

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