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Two-thirds support stricter financial reform

来源 作者: 时间:2010-04-27 Tag:reform   finance   点击: 63829


The Washington Post
updated 10:27 a.m. ET April 26, 2010

About two-thirds of Americans support stricter regulations(规章) on the way banks and other financial institutions(金融机构) conduct(管理) their business, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll(民意调查).

Majorities also back(支持) two main components(组成部分) of legislation congressional(国会的) Democrats(民主党人士) plan to bring to a vote in the Senate this week: greater federal oversight(监管) of consumer loans(消费信贷) and a company-paid fund that would cover the costs of dismantling(拆除) failed firms that put the broader economy at risk.

A third pillar(支柱) of the reform effort draws a more even(平均的) split(分裂): 43 percent support federal regulation of the derivatives market(衍生产品市场); 41 percent are opposed(反对). Nearly one in five - 17 percent - express no opinion on this complicated topic.

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