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Venezuela's Economic Crisis: What You Need to Know

来源:ABCNews 作者: 时间:2016-06-22 Tag: 点击:


Today in Venezuela, families can wait in lines at the supermarket for 18 hours at a time to get the right to purchase small quantities of oil, rice or pasta, according to Foreign Policy. Violent crime, meanwhile, is on the rise, with the country's capital, Caracas, recently overtaking Honduras' San Pedro Sula to become the most violent city in the world, according to the Citizen's Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice.

Problems with starvation and malnutrition are worsening, and major Venezuelan companies, like Empresas Polar, the country's largest producer of beer, are shuttering their doors. Moody's, an American credit agency, said Monday that the country is "highly unlikely" to have enough currency to available to make its debt payments this year.

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