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Tai chi moves for beginnners
Do it yourself - Carrying the moon: Breathe in, turn your body towards the left from the waist Your shoulders are relaxed and your elbows slightly bent Now reach both arms towards the left with your head focusing on your han...
作者:发表于:2023-10-27 16:52:14 点击:121 查阅全文...
作者:发表于:2023-10-25 15:38:40 点击:134 查阅全文...
Sea-level rise: West Antarctic ice shelf melt 'unavoidable'
作者:发表于:2023-10-24 11:30:49 点击:139 查阅全文...
作者:发表于:2023-10-23 13:46:41 点击:127 查阅全文...
Welsh Water admits illegally spilling sewage for years
作者:发表于:2023-10-19 15:35:18 点击:146 查阅全文...
Belt and Road Initiative
作者:发表于:2023-10-17 14:55:49 点击:144 查阅全文...
Amazon drought: Stranded boats and dead fish
A severe drought in the Brazilian Amazon is disrupting transport, isolating communities and killing wildlife. The Brazilian government attributes the drought to climate change and the El Niño weather phenomenon, which has caus...
作者:发表于:2023-10-16 11:16:27 点击:146 查阅全文...
Could an AI-created profile picture help you get a job?
Filters and Photoshop move over, artificial intelligence (AI) is the new trend for creating online profile pictures. Over the summer a video went viral on TikTok. It was captioned "using this trend to get a new LinkedIn headshot"...
作者:发表于:2023-10-12 11:45:19 点击:137 查阅全文...