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作者:发表于:2021-10-15 14:55:08 点击:213 查阅全文...
New Shepard: Reusable rocket designed to take passengers into space
作者:发表于:2021-10-13 15:16:40 点击:233 查阅全文...
China's Moon mission returned youngest ever lavas
  The rock samples brought back from the Moon in December by China's Chang'e-5 mission were really young. It's all relative, of course, but the analysis shows the basalt material - the solidified remnants of a lava flow - to be jus...
作者:发表于:2021-10-11 15:28:00 点击:325 查阅全文...
Easy Healthy Eating
作者:发表于:2021-10-08 12:23:22 点击:232 查阅全文...
Pre Workout & Post Workout
作者:发表于:2021-09-29 14:24:23 点击:277 查阅全文...
The race to replace persistent chemicals in our homes
  Take a look around your home, at the many products that make daily life more convenient. Have you ever wondered why food doesn't stick to your favourite frying-pan, why grease doesn't soak through your bag of microwave popcorn, or why wat...
作者:发表于:2021-09-27 17:24:54 点击:269 查阅全文...
18 Foods to Beautify You
作者:发表于:2021-09-24 13:50:55 点击:240 查阅全文...
Air pollution
The new guidelines, released on Wednesday, halve the recommended maximum for exposure to tiny particles called PM2.5s. These are produced by burning fuels in power generation, domestic heating and vehicle engines. "Almost 80% o...
作者:发表于:2021-09-22 16:56:04 点击:602 查阅全文...