搜索 "sports Band Bhealth" 的结果
[science] Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene

Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene By JULIET MACUR 你会为你的孩子(或者将来的孩子)做基因检测,从而了解他/她的运动潜能吗?如果会,检测以后你会让孩子发现自己的爱好?或者引导孩子发展强项? ------ 正在犹豫的小编 BOULDER, Colo. — Wh...

/content/html/news/200811/30-103.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 819 日期: 2008-12-01
[joke] I overheard my husband telling

I overheard (不小心听到)my husband telling our son about a fishing game he downloaded off the Internet: \\\"I played it for only a few minutes and caught two! \\\"But you should have seen the one that got away,\\\" he continued enthusiasticall...

/content/html/funny/200811/26-63.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 667 日期: 2009-01-05
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