搜索 "day dh com httm A" 的结果
Britney's back, but can she compete with Gaga?

  LONDON — As Britney Spears(小甜甜布兰妮) prepares to launch(发行) her seventh studio album "Femme Fatale" on Tuesday, the pop star faces keen competition from Lady Gaga, Katie Perry and Rihanna, who reign(统治) atop Billboard'...

/content/html/news/201103/28-946.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1014 日期: 2011-03-28
Motorola Xoom: iPad finally has competition

The Android tablets out on the market have been weak in the face of the iPad. But after testing out Motorola's Xoom, it's clear the first Android Honeycomb tablet has what it takes to compete head to head.  ...

/content/html/video/201102/25-928.html 类别: 视频 点击: 1140 日期: 2011-02-25
Facebook's 'frat-house' days

TODAY's Lester Holt reports on the beginning of the social-networking giant in a small apartment in Palo Alto, Calif.  ...

/content/html/video/201101/11-910.html 类别: 视频 点击: 744 日期: 2011-01-11
How to Improve Your Communication Skills by Speaking Better English

How to improve your communication skills by speaking better English? Practice makes perfect, especially when you want to improve your communication skills. You can find help to polish(润色) your English in a host of(一大群) environments, and a wide a...

/content/html/video/201101/10-909.html 类别: 视频 点击: 6173 日期: 2011-01-10
Hot Holiday Item: EReaders

Ebooks are on a lot of shoppers' holiday gift-giving list.  ...

/content/html/video/201012/10-884.html 类别: 视频 点击: 649 日期: 2010-12-10
How to Complain Without Sounding Like a Jerk

How to complain without sounding like a jerk(性格古怪之人)? Sometimes you just have to complain, but there are ways to get your point across without throwing a hissy fit(大发脾气). You will need: notes, directness(直截了当), someone to complain to, q...

/content/html/video/201012/01-879.html 类别: 视频 点击: 5233 日期: 2010-12-01
Holiday Shopping Rush Begins in US

They came in droves(成群结队地), rushing into stores like this one in North Carolina at midnight - to take advantage of deep discounts(折扣) on toys and electronics. The National Retail Federation expects nearly 140 million shoppers will shop a...

/content/html/news/201011/29-877.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1184 日期: 2010-11-29
US Income Disparity Highest Ever

How'd You Get So Rich is the name of a cable TV(有线电视) program, starring comedienne Joan Rivers, that shows how some Americans got their wealth and what they have done with it. There are no programs, however, called, \\\\\"How'd You Get So Poo...

/content/html/news/201010/27-856.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 853 日期: 2010-10-27
Cartoons for Today


/content/html/funny/201010/21-849.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 1144 日期: 2010-10-21
Amusing Stories Behind Common Expressions

1. Why do we say that someone who is fired gets the sack(麻袋)? The ancient Romans didn't believe in mollycoddling(娇纵) convicted felons(重罪犯人). Rehabilitation(复原,昭雪) wasn't their style. Those convicted of parricide(杀近亲或长辈) or ot...

/content/html/funny/201008/13-804.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 1666 日期: 2010-08-13
Finance chief poised to become Japan's next leader

  updated 10:30 p.m. ET June 3, 2010 TOKYO - Former Finance Minister Naoto Kan, an outspoken(直言、坦率的) politician with activist(活动家,积极分子) roots, appeared poised(准备行动的) to become Japan's next prime minister Friday as ruling par...

/content/html/news/201006/04-766.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 657 日期: 2010-06-04
For April Fool's Day: how to make a prank phone call

Step 1: Have a plan Outline(列提纲) your basic scam(花招). Are you going to call businesses or individuals? What are you planning to tell them or ask them? Try to anticipate(预估) their responses so you don’t get tongue-tied. Step 2: Know the...

/content/html/video/201004/01-727.html 类别: 视频 点击: 1165 日期: 2010-04-01
Holiday Movie Preview

Holiday Movie Preview.  ...

/content/html/video/200911/30-692.html 类别: 视频 点击: 715 日期: 2009-11-30
China celebrates on the National Day

  China's military presents their latest missiles(导弹) during celebrations in Tiananmen Square on Oct 1. Chinese President Hu Jintao, third car from left, reviews(检阅) military personnel(军事人员) during the National Day parade(部...

/content/html/photo/200910/09-650.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1418 日期: 2009-10-09
Nadal overcomes abdominal injury to sweep

updated 8:33 p.m. ET Sept. 6, 2009 NEW YORK - Rafael Nadal(拉斐尔·纳达尔) encountered(遭遇) as much trouble from his own body as his opponent(对手) in a third-round victory at the U.S. Open. The third-seeded(三号种子的) Nadal, who missed...

/content/html/news/200909/07-610.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1244 日期: 2009-09-07
Duggars to welcome the 19th child


/content/html/video/200909/02-605.html 类别: 视频 点击: 847 日期: 2009-09-02
How to give and receive compliments

1. Be sincere....

/content/html/video/200908/24-596.html 类别: 视频 点击: 936 日期: 2009-08-24
Today Show Warhol’s Jackson portrait up for auction

Today Show Warhol’s Jackson portrait up for auction(拍卖).  ...

/content/html/video/200908/04-571.html 类别: 视频 点击: 805 日期: 2009-08-04
Independence Day celebration

  Fireworks (烟火) explode (爆炸) over the Philadelphia Museum of Art, top, in Philadelphia on Saturday, July 4, as thousands line the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The New York City skyline (以天空为背景的轮廓线) is seen in t...

/content/html/photo/200907/06-498.html 类别: 图文 点击: 943 日期: 2009-07-06
Today is an incredibly tragic day

One Metro transit train smashed into the rear of another at the height of the capital city's Monday evening rush hour, killing at least six people and injuring scores of others as the front end of the trailing train jackknifed violently into the air ...

/content/html/video/200906/23-474.html 类别: 视频 点击: 518 日期: 2009-06-23
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