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/content/html/funny/200904/14-375.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 1109 日期: 2009-04-14
'Olympic Pandas' Leave Beijing

Panda-lovers wave goodbye to eight young pandas returning to their hometown.  ...

/content/html/video/200903/24-329.html 类别: 视频 点击: 782 日期: 2009-03-24
Doctors: Who Should Take Aspirin, and When

An aspirin(阿司匹林) a day keeps the doctor away...(原俗语为: An apple a day keeps the docter a way.) Dr. Tim Johnson discusses evidence of a daily dose(药剂量) of aspirin's benefits.That's not the saying, but doctors have agreed, for about ...

/content/html/news/200903/18-324.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 837 日期: 2009-03-24
Financial Stress - How It Affects You and What You Can Do

Financial stress is a sadly widespread experience. According to a poll on this site, roughly 7 in 10 respondents are \\\"very stressed\\\" about money, and only 1 in 10 report that they are not stressed about finances — and the prop...

/content/html/Articles/200903/18-319.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1061 日期: 2009-03-26
Video: Obama's oath and inaugural address

President Barack Obama takes the oath of office and delivers his inaugural address from the steps of the Capitol ...

/content/html/video/200901/21-272.html 类别: 视频 点击: 1883 日期: 2009-01-21
Four-day inauguration: Schedule and details

The historic inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States is now fast upon us. Even if you aren’t making the trip to the capital, there are many ways to participate and follow the festivities from afar(从远处). ...

/content/html/news/200901/19-265.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 713 日期: 2009-01-19
An Album of Presidents and Their Children -2

Gerald Ford The Ford family gathers in the Oval Office on Aug. 9, 1974, the day that Gerald was sworn in as President. They are, from left: John, a future businessman; Steven, an actor (his credits include Black Hawk Down and When Harry Met ...

/content/html/photo/200901/08-253.html 类别: 图文 点击: 3510 日期: 2009-01-09
An Album of Presidents and Their Children -1

George Washington America's first President had no biological children, but he became stepfather to the two children of the widow Martha Custis when he married her in 1759: John \\\"Jacky\\\" Parke Custis, left in the c. 1761 illustratio...

/content/html/photo/200901/08-252.html 类别: 图文 点击: 6272 日期: 2009-01-08
[cartoon] Family Tree

antique: 古董...

/content/html/funny/200812/30-237.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 1190 日期: 2009-01-05
Using A Cell Phone To Find Bargains And Books

The scanner's results include online sellers — and a map of local stores stocking the item. Bill Chappell/NPR Morning Edition, December 24, 2008 · There has been an explosion...

/content/html/news/200812/26-222.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 668 日期: 2008-12-26
Google Hands Out Phones, Not Cash, as Holiday Bonus

今年过节不发钱,他们高兴么?保住工作就很不错了。知足常乐哈。 Tue Dec 23, 1:43 pm ET While Internet search giant Google handed out cash to employees last year, the company is scaling back and giving its workers a different kind of gift this holiday s...

/content/html/news/200812/24-202.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 724 日期: 2008-12-24
Widespread winter blast strands holiday travelers

小编17日的机票,16日下午已经下起了暴雪,能见度只有3米。速速出发到城里。幸亏晚上雪停了,凌晨小编的飞机顺利起飞了。回国以后听过之后的航班因为过于恶劣的气候,基本上都取消了。----幸运的小编 Widespread winter blast (强风) strands(使处于困境) holiday tr...

/content/html/news/200812/22-188.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 838 日期: 2008-12-22
5 Insanely Small And Inhabited Private Islands

Most people dream of owning their own island, a piece of tranquil (安静的)heaven to truly call their own. For the majority of people however, this will always remain just that: a dream. On the flipside (事物较不重要的方面), there is a definite islan...

/content/html/photo/200812/22-187.html 类别: 图文 点击: 6041 日期: 2008-12-22

每个月美国都有一个全国性的Awareness主题。这个月是关于安全驾驶。 DECEMBER IS NATIONAL DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING MONTH.   JUST THE FACTS:  * In 2007, drivers between the ages of 16-20 were involved in 1, 719 drunk driving acciden...

/content/html/Articles/200812/11-176.html 类别: 美文 点击: 784 日期: 2008-12-11
Modern Beds and Creative Bed Designs

December 6th, 2008 | Inspiration | Collection of modern beds and creative bed designs from all over the world. Housefish Suspended Bed Creative suspended bed held by machined aluminum, stainless steel tension cables. The mattress platform...

/content/html/photo/200812/10-174.html 类别: 图文 点击: 2044 日期: 2008-12-15
7 animals that lived along with your grandparents but not with you

Biology, Environmental Issues More and more animals are becoming extinct (灭绝的)each day, due to hunting, destruction of habitat (栖息地), pollution, and so on. In the past 100 years, a significant number of animals have become extinct and you w...

/content/html/photo/200812/10-168.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1775 日期: 2008-12-10
Speech: blood, toil, tears and sweat

On May 13, 1940, newly appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave his first speech to the British Parliament in which he prepares them for the long battle against Nazi aggression, at a time when the very survival of England was in ...

/content/html/Articles/200812/09-165.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1733 日期: 2008-12-09
Basics of Time and Stress Management

Basics of Time and Stress Management Written by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Copyright 1997-2008. Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision. The role of leader can be very stressful! Management studie...

/content/html/Articles/200812/07-152.html 类别: 美文 点击: 949 日期: 2008-12-07
Education: 7 Strategies to Raise Your GPA this Semester

    深以为然,所以共享。   ---- 从考试堆中摸爬滚打过的小编 7 Strategies to Raise Your GPA ( Grade point average) this Semester Written...

/content/html/Articles/200812/06-133.html 类别: 美文 点击: 872 日期: 2008-12-06
[politics] Thailand Protests -1

  Map of Thailand locating Bangkok's two airports. Explosions early Sunday at sites occupied by anti-government protesters injured at least 51 people, further raising tensions as police struggle to ...

/content/html/photo/200812/02-114.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1972 日期: 2008-12-02
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