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Jennifer Lopez is a triple threat

来源:msnbc 作者: 时间:2009-08-25 Tag:Jennifer   Lopez   点击:


On being a ‘muse’ …
“When we first got together, Marc wouldn't stop taking pictures of me. Marc and I were going through all the pictures the other day and he was like, ‘I'm going to put them in a book and call it Muse because you're the only person I ever take pictures of.’”

On parenthood …
“It totally changes your perspective(观点, 看法) on everything. There's nothing as huge as giving birth to another human being and having to be responsible for another life. There's you before kids, and there's you after kids — and they're not the same you. You don't come first anymore. There's somebody else you care more about than yourself.”

On her favorite styles …
“I still slip into different styles very easily. I can be a little bit hip-hop in sweatpants(宽松运动裤) and sneakers(胶底运动鞋)and a baseball hat. Or I can put on a head wrap and get kind of bohemian(波希米亚人)ith glasses and a caftan(有腰带的长袖衣服)I can dress conservative '60s glamour, or I can go supermodern chic… I love all different kinds of things. I'm open. I think that's what makes it exciting to people. They don't know what I'm going to do next. Honestly, I don't know half the time.”

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