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[entertainment] Moviegoers enter "Twilight" zone at box office
Moviegoers enter "Twilight" zone at box office (票房,票房收入) By Dean Goodman Dean Goodman – Sun Nov 23, 1:55 pm ET LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "Twilight (暮晨之光)," the vampire (吸血鬼) romance that has spurred feverish ( 狂热的) antici...
作者:发表于:2008-11-24 08:38:06 点击:100278 查阅全文...
[economics] APEC: Global crisis can be overcome in 18 months
APEC: 亚太经贸合作组织 简称亚太经合组织(The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 经济寒冬18个月真的就能过去吗? LIMA, Peru – Pacific Rim nations assured the world Sunday that the global financial crisis can be quelled (消除) in 18 months, but provid...
作者:发表于:2008-11-24 08:04:13 点击:143080 查阅全文...
[recreation] Hollywood actors guild to seek strike
[recreation] Hollywood actors guild to seek strike Nov. 22, 2008 AP news LOS ANGELES – The Screen Actors Guild (行业协会) said Saturday it will ask its members to authorize a strike after its first contract talks in four months with Hollywoo...
作者:发表于:2008-11-22 22:20:02 点击:113627 查阅全文...
[science] Happy Birthday: Space station celebrates 10 years
By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer Marcia Dunn, Ap Aerospace Writer – Thu Nov 20, 4:59 pm ET NASA couldn't have staged (安排) it any better: 10 people in orbit for Thursday's 10th anniversary of the world's most elaborate and expensive housi...
作者:发表于:2008-11-21 13:20:02 点击:329060 查阅全文...
[science] Astronauts end space walk marred by lost tool bag
A spacewalking astronaut accidentally let go of her tool bag Tuesday after a grease gun inside it exploded, and helplessly watched as the tote and everything inside floated away....
作者:发表于:2008-11-19 14:06:33 点击:134711 查阅全文...
[health] Family history can trump breast cancer gene test
Family history can trump (超过,胜过,打赢)breast cancer gene test 关于女性身体健康 乳腺、卵巢、子宫等疾病正在袭击越来越多的女性。这些疾病和基因有关系吗?如果有一定关系,母亲有病史的情况下,女儿患该类疾病的可能性是多少? 小编 By LAURAN NEERGAARD...
作者:发表于:2008-11-19 11:47:12 点击:128442 查阅全文...
[economics] Leaders vow to do whatever it takes
Economic summit sets broad goals WASHINGTON — This weekend's financial summit reshaped global politics and may eventually reshape the global economy. But the gathering left numerous critical details unresolved. Page1B For the first ...
作者:David J. Lynch发表于:2008-11-18 14:05:21 点击:74917 查阅全文...
[love] Proof´s in the brain scan: Romance can last
有人说,爱情难过七年之痒,有人说,浪漫只能持续两到三年,因为浪漫是化学物质。果真如此么?爱情当真没有保质期么?且看看这篇 USA Today的报告吧。 The honeymoon doesn't have to be over just because you've been together for years, new research suggests. ...
作者:发表于:2008-11-18 12:48:29 点击:668585 查阅全文...