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Oil deepens losses below $40, eyes on economy
By Jonathan Leff Jonathan Leff Dec. 23, 2008 SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices extended their sharp fall to drop further below $40 a barrel on Tuesday, weakened anew by growing signs of deteriorating world oil demand. Final th...
作者:发表于:2008-12-23 10:59:41 点击:68182 查阅全文...
Obama´s election voted top news story of 2008
By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer David Crary, Ap National Writer Dec. 22, 2008 NEW YORK – The epic (超凡脱俗,不同一般的,尤其在范围或规模方面)election that made Barack Obama the first African-American president was the...
作者:发表于:2008-12-22 10:36:22 点击:125464 查阅全文...
Gas down to $1.66 per gal., lowest in some 5 years
油价又跌了,差不多可以买涨了吧。 Dec. 22, 2008 CAMARILLO, Calif. – The average national price of gasoline fell 9 cents in the past two weeks, bringing it to its lowest point in nearly five years, according to a national survey released Sunday...
作者:发表于:2008-12-22 10:32:28 点击:62129 查阅全文...
Widespread winter blast strands holiday travelers
小编17日的机票,16日下午已经下起了暴雪,能见度只有3米。速速出发到城里。幸亏晚上雪停了,凌晨小编的飞机顺利起飞了。回国以后听过之后的航班因为过于恶劣的气候,基本上都取消了。----幸运的小编 Widespread winter blast (强风) strands(使处于困境) holiday tr...
作者:发表于:2008-12-22 09:56:58 点击:82303 查阅全文...
Study: Poverty dramatically affects children´s brains
Researchers have long studied ties between poverty and educational achievement, but they're only now beginning to study how poverty affects not only IQ, but brain function and behavior, says University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist Martha Farah. Am...
作者:发表于:2008-12-10 07:31:04 点击:103762 查阅全文...
Technology: Games whip up the joy(stick) of cooking
By Mike Snider, USA TODAY The latest recipe for video-game fun: cooking.   A smorgasbord of cuisine-based games is just hitting stores. They let you slice and dice like a pro — with no cleanup afterward — and include celebrity che...
作者:发表于:2008-12-10 07:26:59 点击:127741 查阅全文...
[economics] 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression
非常时期非常措施:小编把钱都从银行取出来稳妥地放在家里啦,闻着钱香,睡觉都心里踏实哈。 ----搞笑的小编 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression 21 Nov Written byy Jason Lankow Having lived through the depression, our grandparents and great-gra...
作者:Jason Lankow发表于:2008-12-06 22:53:13 点击:177763 查阅全文...
[Internet] Top 10 Searches for 2008
Collected by Yahoo! 1 Britney Spears The singer’s steep trajectory to redemption restored her to the top of searches. Her year began with a police visit, hospital stay, and psych evaluation. She returned under her father’s shel...
作者:发表于:2008-12-06 12:48:39 点击:105616 查阅全文...