搜索 "inancial crisis oem" 的结果
Greek crisis

about Greek crisis in the Eurozone...

/content/html/news/201107/11-997.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 898 日期: 2011-07-11
Vocabulary: GreeK crisis

Vocabulary: Greece crisis rescue package pluck (解救;拔) Athens from default (违约; 拖欠债务) bailout (救助) amid widenging split bridge widening splits (分歧) over debt contagion (传染,蔓延) eurozone the...

/content/html/news/201107/11-996.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 525 日期: 2011-07-13
Two-thirds support stricter financial reform

The Washington Post updated 10:27 a.m. ET April 26, 2010 About two-thirds of Americans support stricter regulations(规章) on the way banks and other financial institutions(金融机构) conduct(管理) their business, according to a new Washington P...

/content/html/news/201004/27-733.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 663 日期: 2010-04-27
Personal Finance: Saving your defense against financial crisis

One of the upsides of the current upheaval in the global financial system is that people are more careful about spending their money. Rightly so. With many people facing a clear and present danger of losing their jobs, the smartest move wou...

/content/html/Articles/200903/27-338.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1305 日期: 2009-03-27
Financial Crisis


/content/html/Articles/200903/26-332.html 类别: 美文 点击: 2048 日期: 2009-04-07
How Will the Financial Crisis in the US Affect the Healthcare Industry?

Question: How Will the Financial Crisis in the US Affect the Healthcare Industry? When the economy takes a turn for the worse, careers are impacted. While healthcare is fairly recession-proof, the industry as a whole is not completely immune to a ma...

/content/html/Articles/200903/18-323.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1526 日期: 2009-03-18
China's Response to the Global Financial Crisis

The global financial crisis has Chinese leaders and citizens worried as the ripple effect(连锁反应) from U.S. markets has exacerbated(使恶化) already slumping(暴跌) Chinese markets. Worldwide demand for the Chinese exports has already decreased,...

/content/html/Articles/200903/18-322.html 类别: 美文 点击: 3101 日期: 2009-03-27
Financial Stress - How It Affects You and What You Can Do

Financial stress is a sadly widespread experience. According to a poll on this site, roughly 7 in 10 respondents are \\\"very stressed\\\" about money, and only 1 in 10 report that they are not stressed about finances — and the prop...

/content/html/Articles/200903/18-319.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1065 日期: 2009-03-26
[Poem] When You Are Old

When You Are Old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, ...

/content/plus/view.php?aid=295 类别: 美文 点击: 1916 日期: 2009-02-11
Global Crash Crisis Sparks Fury

Greece, France, Russia, Iceland: Angry Demos Across Europe After nearly two weeks of demonstrations, Greek farmers used their tractors to block border crossings and highways across the country for days, demanding financial help from the gove...

/content/html/photo/200902/04-284.html 类别: 图文 点击: 1253 日期: 2009-02-04
[economics] 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression

非常时期非常措施:小编把钱都从银行取出来稳妥地放在家里啦,闻着钱香,睡觉都心里踏实哈。 ----搞笑的小编 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression 21 Nov Written byy Jason Lankow Having lived through the depression, our grandparents and great-gra...

/content/html/news/200812/06-137.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1956 日期: 2008-12-07
[culture] Thanksgiving songs and poems

Thanksgiving Five Little Turkeys 5 little turkeys standing by door, One waddled off, and then there were 4. 4 little turke...

/content/html/funny/200811/24-54.html 类别: 有趣 点击: 2322 日期: 2009-01-05
[economics] APEC: Global crisis can be overcome in 18 months

APEC: 亚太经贸合作组织 简称亚太经合组织(The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 经济寒冬18个月真的就能过去吗? LIMA, Peru – Pacific Rim nations assured the world Sunday that the global financial crisis can be quelled (消除) in 18 months, but provid...

/content/html/news/200811/24-49.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1064 日期: 2008-11-24
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