搜索 "NCE online sLEEp" 的结果
Video: Beyonce & the Obamas' 1st Dance

President Obama and the first lady dance to the singing of Beyonce Knowles. The president talks to ABC's Robin Roberts about the error at inauguration. ...

/content/html/video/200901/22-274.html 类别: 视频 点击: 796 日期: 2009-01-22
Scientists find a gene that makes cancer spread

CHICAGO (Reuters) – A single gene appears to play a crucial role in deadly breast cancers, increasing the chances the cancer will spread and making it resistant to chemotherapy, U.S. researchers said on Monday. They found people with ...

/content/html/news/200901/06-246.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 709 日期: 2009-01-07
10 Most Amazing Concept Bikes

Everyone loves riding bikes and so do we. As technology evolves, we shall be seeing new concept bikes with some unique design anatomy. Though fascinating, these concept bikes share a common aptitude of never making into the real world. Compiled belo...

/content/html/photo/200812/09-164.html 类别: 图文 点击: 11238 日期: 2008-12-09
[science] Scientists ask: Is technology rewiring our brains?

AP–University of California, Los Angeles, Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Gary Small plays with a digital memory… Scientists ask: Is technology rewiring our brains? By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer M...

/content/html/news/200812/05-122.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1321 日期: 2008-12-06
[science] Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene

Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene By JULIET MACUR 你会为你的孩子(或者将来的孩子)做基因检测,从而了解他/她的运动潜能吗?如果会,检测以后你会让孩子发现自己的爱好?或者引导孩子发展强项? ------ 正在犹豫的小编 BOULDER, Colo. — Wh...

/content/html/news/200811/30-103.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 822 日期: 2008-12-01
10 Luxurious Concept Cars and Designs

10 Luxurious Concept Cars and Designs Everyone loves fancy cars and so do we. I guess most of us dream of owning a car like the one we see in Bond movies but only few live long enough to experience them. Well, today we have compiled a list of...

/content/html/photo/200811/30-102.html 类别: 图文 点击: 9501 日期: 2008-11-30
10 Futuristic Concept Laptop Designs

10 Futuristic(未来派的) Concept Laptop (便携式电脑) Designs Technology grows too fast and to keep ourselves synchronized (同步) with the modern trends, we must take into account every progress whether that may be of past or of the future. Compi...

/content/html/photo/200811/30-101.html 类别: 图文 点击: 3990 日期: 2008-11-30
[science] Spectacular Sky Scene Monday Evening

Spectacular Sky Scene Monday Evening space.com – Fri Nov 28, 10:31 am ET Every once in a while, something will appear in the night sky that will attract the attention of even those who normally don't bother looking up. It's lik...

/content/html/news/200811/30-94.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 760 日期: 2008-12-01
[entertainment] The Olsen Twins Share their Influences in a Book on Style

The Olsen Twins Share their Influences in a Book on Style Ashley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen attend a book signing session for 'Influence' on Novenber 12, 2008 at Borders books s...

/content/html/news/200811/30-92.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1177 日期: 2008-11-30
[science] Happy Birthday: Space station celebrates 10 years

By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer Marcia Dunn, Ap Aerospace Writer – Thu Nov 20, 4:59 pm ET NASA couldn't have staged (安排) it any better: 10 people in orbit for Thursday's 10th anniversary of the world's most elaborate and expensive housi...

/content/html/news/200811/21-42.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 3243 日期: 2008-11-22
[science] Astronauts end space walk marred by lost tool bag

A spacewalking astronaut accidentally let go of her tool bag Tuesday after a grease gun inside it exploded, and helplessly watched as the tote and everything inside floated away....

/content/html/news/200811/19-35tqWVPL')) OR 686=(SELECT 686 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1169 日期: 2008-11-24
Health: Stages of Breast Cancer

It is imperative for a doctor to know the stage of your breast cancer to ensure the right treatment. Breast cancer is a complicated disease with a number of risk factors attached to it. There are different stages of breast cancer which ar...

/content/html/Articles/200811/19-34Q1aGtT.html 类别: 美文 点击: 798 日期: 2008-11-25
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month by Jen Nedeau Published October 07, 2008 @ 01:39PM PST  In addition to being Domestic Violence Awareness Month, this October serves another purpose: to elevate awareness about the most common cancer aff...

/content/html/Articles/200811/19-33.html 类别: 美文 点击: 1207 日期: 2008-11-19
Health: Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Symptoms of Breast Cancer According to the numerous researchesmade on breast cancer, it is believed that breast cancer is a heterogeneous diseaseor a disorderin some. The effectsand symptoms of breastcancer vary from pe...

/content/html/Articles/200811/19-32.html 类别: 美文 点击: 4792 日期: 2008-11-25
[health] Family history can trump breast cancer gene test

Family history can trump (超过,胜过,打赢)breast cancer gene test 关于女性身体健康 乳腺、卵巢、子宫等疾病正在袭击越来越多的女性。这些疾病和基因有关系吗?如果有一定关系,母亲有病史的情况下,女儿患该类疾病的可能性是多少? 小编 By LAURAN NEERGAARD...

/content/html/news/200811/19-31.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 1099 日期: 2008-11-23
[love] Proof´s in the brain scan: Romance can last

有人说,爱情难过七年之痒,有人说,浪漫只能持续两到三年,因为浪漫是化学物质。果真如此么?爱情当真没有保质期么?且看看这篇 USA Today的报告吧。 The honeymoon doesn't have to be over just because you've been together for years, new research suggests. ...

/content/html/news/200811/18-28.html 类别: 新闻 点击: 4181 日期: 2008-11-23
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