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Hillary's opening remarks at S&ED
Remarks at Plenary Session(全体会议) of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. ...
作者:发表于:2009-08-05 10:13:05 点击:111848 查阅全文...
Obama's opening remarks at S&ED
脚本: An economic crisis is destroying the United States. It’s also creating serious problems for the rest of the world. To deal with all of it, 20 world leaders are getting together to patch things up. But they’re taking just on...
作者:发表于:2009-08-05 10:51:44 点击:108764 查阅全文...
Today Show Warhol’s Jackson portrait up for auction
Today Show Warhol’s Jackson portrait up for auction(拍卖).  ...
作者:发表于:2009-08-04 09:37:43 点击:83385 查阅全文...
Tips to save travelers' cash
If you want a trip this August, here's some tips on how to save the costs.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-08-03 11:43:48 点击:62266 查阅全文...
Monkey king in India
Monkey king in India. ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-31 09:44:43 点击:71912 查阅全文...
Why Eclipses Happen
Words in the video: path of totality 全食带 projection 投影 binoculars 双筒望远镜 totallity 全食(的时间) corona 日冕 umbra 本影 penumbra 半影 new moon 新月 waxing crescent 眉月 first...
作者:发表于:2009-07-23 17:11:05 点击:420968 查阅全文...
Boyle: I just needed to get away
作者:发表于:2009-07-23 09:25:56 点击:74244 查阅全文...
Scholar's arrest raises racism claims
Gates, a Harvard professor and one of the nation's prominent African-American scholars was arrested, which raises anger over racism.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-22 10:03:13 点击:69912 查阅全文...