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Police demonstrators clash in Thailand
Water cannons and tear gases were used to break up anti-government protests in northern Thailand. Scores of peoples were injured in the clashes.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-20 09:23:22 点击:68691 查阅全文...
Review of "Harry Potter and Half-blood Prince"
"Harry Potter and Half-blood Prince" has opened in theaters all across the country. But some critics say the show fire hit has some miss fires (达不到预想的效果).  ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-16 09:11:38 点击:90887 查阅全文...
Dashing! Women race in high heels
German teenagers ran in a 100-meter race in high heels. An 18-year-old girl won the competition and got more than 10,000 dollars.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-14 09:11:42 点击:74422 查阅全文...
Quake shakes southwest China
Rescue recovery and clean-up in southwest China after an earthquake strikes, killing one person and injuring more than 320. ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-13 10:02:23 点击:70850 查阅全文...
[Video]Exclusive: Jackson on Turning 50
The pop icon speaks candidly(率直地, 坦白地) about his career, kids and plans for the future. ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-10 10:45:05 点击:336168 查阅全文...
Obama eyes "reset" of Russian relations
President Obama is on his way to Russia tonight. He's to repair the tender US-Russia relationship.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-06 10:28:11 点击:84869 查阅全文...
Scoop Ice Age falls short
Ice Age: Down to the Dinosaurs ...
作者:发表于:2009-07-02 09:28:01 点击:84095 查阅全文...
[Video]Michael Jackson's YouTube Legacy
On May 16, 1983, during a televised (由电视播送的) tribute to Motown (汽车城,指底特律) Records, pop star Michael Jackson performed a relatively unknown dance move. The crowd went wild. In the years since, the moonwalk (太空步) has gone from dance se...
作者:发表于:2009-06-30 09:31:41 点击:136783 查阅全文...