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How is a proper business E-mail constructed?
How is a proper business E-mail constructed? ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-26 14:09:48 点击:87704 查阅全文...
Today is an incredibly tragic day
One Metro transit train smashed into the rear of another at the height of the capital city's Monday evening rush hour, killing at least six people and injuring scores of others as the front end of the trailing train jackknifed violently into the air ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-23 09:53:52 点击:69108 查阅全文...
Video: Job Interview Etiquette in American Business
How do bearing and behavior affect my likelihood of getting hired? How can etiquette help me make a good impression on a job interview? What is appropriate clothing for a job interview? What ar...
作者:发表于:2009-06-18 12:45:53 点击:237611 查阅全文...
Meeting Etiquette
What are the etiquette standards for punctuality in a business meeting?   Can I be too early for a meeting?   What if I realize I'm going to be unavoidably late to a meeting?   What is the proper way to shake hands?  ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-10 14:01:34 点击:192256 查阅全文...
Searching continues for the missing plane
Searching continues for the missing French jet.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-03 09:25:33 点击:104014 查阅全文...
Susan Boyle Hospitalized After Losing
Susan Boyle, the famous star in "Britain's Got Talent" had mental care after losing the final competition. ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-02 09:51:13 点击:88277 查阅全文...
Torched trains in India
Torched(被纵火的) trains in India.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-06-02 09:29:22 点击:79666 查阅全文...
My mother was always happy.
My mother was always happy.  ...
作者:发表于:2009-05-31 09:46:58 点击:121495 查阅全文...