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Technology: Games whip up the joy(stick) of cooking
By Mike Snider, USA TODAY The latest recipe for video-game fun: cooking.   A smorgasbord of cuisine-based games is just hitting stores. They let you slice and dice like a pro — with no cleanup afterward — and include celebrity che...
作者:发表于:2008-12-10 07:26:59 点击:127766 查阅全文...
[economics] 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression
非常时期非常措施:小编把钱都从银行取出来稳妥地放在家里啦,闻着钱香,睡觉都心里踏实哈。 ----搞笑的小编 7 Financial Tips From the Great Depression 21 Nov Written byy Jason Lankow Having lived through the depression, our grandparents and great-gra...
作者:Jason Lankow发表于:2008-12-06 22:53:13 点击:177848 查阅全文...
[Internet] Top 10 Searches for 2008
Collected by Yahoo! 1 Britney Spears The singer’s steep trajectory to redemption restored her to the top of searches. Her year began with a police visit, hospital stay, and psych evaluation. She returned under her father’s shel...
作者:发表于:2008-12-06 12:48:39 点击:105637 查阅全文...
Economics: Car dealer offers second car for free
汽车也买一送一啊?谁要是要买车倒是可以抓紧机会了。 Fri Dec 5, 1:31 pm ETBRUSSELS (Reuters) – Buy one, get one free: it's a familiar sales pitch for happy-hour cocktails or last season's fashions, but now a Belgian car dealer is luring customers w...
作者:发表于:2008-12-06 11:42:57 点击:76027 查阅全文...
[Health] Study suggests good cheer may spread itself
幸福易求,一笑可得乎? --- 幸福的小编 Study suggests good cheer may spread itself Dec. 5, 2008 幸福易求,一笑可得乎? --- 幸福的小编 Study suggests good cheer may spread itself Dec. 5, 2008 When you're smiling, the whol...
作者:发表于:2008-12-05 11:36:02 点击:86313 查阅全文...
[science] Scientists ask: Is technology rewiring our brains?
AP–University of California, Los Angeles, Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Gary Small plays with a digital memory… Scientists ask: Is technology rewiring our brains? By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer M...
作者:发表于:2008-12-05 04:35:42 点击:110345 查阅全文...
[science] Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene
Born to Run? Little Ones Get Test for Sports Gene By JULIET MACUR 你会为你的孩子(或者将来的孩子)做基因检测,从而了解他/她的运动潜能吗?如果会,检测以后你会让孩子发现自己的爱好?或者引导孩子发展强项? ------ 正在犹豫的小编 BOULDER, Colo. — Wh...
作者:发表于:2008-11-30 22:06:00 点击:99050 查阅全文...
[science] Spectacular Sky Scene Monday Evening
Spectacular Sky Scene Monday Evening – Fri Nov 28, 10:31 am ET Every once in a while, something will appear in the night sky that will attract the attention of even those who normally don't bother looking up. It's lik...
作者:发表于:2008-11-30 05:16:15 点击:75149 查阅全文...