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Frequent Aerobic Exercisers Get Fewer Colds
    There's been lots of research over the years concluding that physically active people are less likely to have serious conditions, such as heart disease. Now, a new study indicates(指出) that those who engage in frequent aerobic exerci...
作者:发表于:2010-11-09 16:41:05 点击:128433 查阅全文...
YouTube Removes Violent Videos from Site
    21-year-old Roshonara Choudhry was given a ____1____(终身监禁) Wednesday in Britain. In May of this year she stabbed a British politician, Stephen Timms, because of his support for the war in Iraq. Choudhry told officers investiga...
作者:发表于:2010-11-08 11:06:43 点击:95185 查阅全文...
In Brazil, Economic Reforms, Social Programs Expand Middle Class
Ruth Hins owns a grocery store(杂货店) and bakery(面包店) in the Rio de Janeiro favela of Cantagalo, where she used to live. She is one of 35.5 million Brazilians who have moved from humble beginnings into the middle class since 2003. Another 20 m...
作者:发表于:2010-11-02 15:30:50 点击:104275 查阅全文...
U.N. investigator: Migrants suffer worst racism
  Migrants in Europe, the United States and many other parts of the world are subjected to(遭受) the worst forms of racial discrimination(种族歧视) and xenophobia(对外国人的憎恶或恐惧), a U.N. independent investigator said Monday. Githu Muiga...
作者:发表于:2010-11-02 13:26:38 点击:76710 查阅全文...
Decoding Bird Calls to Avoid Plane Strikes
Birds and planes have been colliding(碰撞) since the Wright brothers(莱特兄弟,飞机发明者) first took to the air. There are dozens of bird strikes each day, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to airplanes each year, and putting t...
作者:发表于:2010-10-28 16:17:19 点击:101867 查阅全文...
US Income Disparity Highest Ever
How'd You Get So Rich is the name of a cable TV(有线电视) program, starring comedienne Joan Rivers, that shows how some Americans got their wealth and what they have done with it. There are no programs, however, called, "How'd You Get So Poo...
作者:发表于:2010-10-27 13:39:54 点击:91205 查阅全文...
Smoking Now The Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide
    More than 5 million people die each year from smoking, many of them in developing countries. And Dr. Thomas Frieden says fewer than ten per cent of the world's nations are doing enough to prevent it. The head of the Centers for Dise...
作者:发表于:2010-10-25 14:23:21 点击:125748 查阅全文...
XP Takes Another Step to Retirement
  If you're reading this post(公告,帖子) at work, chances are that your computer is running Windows XP. But Microsoft really, really wishes that wasn't the case — and it's taking an incremental(增加的) step to make its wish come true. ...
作者:发表于:2010-10-25 10:01:51 点击:47715 查阅全文...