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31 Modern and Creative Book Shelves

来源:homeinteriorszone 作者: 时间:2008-12-01 Tag:photo   bookshelf   creative   modern   点击: 1533880

13. Knockdown Bookcase:

A boon (实惠) for those who like to do it all themselves, Sung Won Park’s flat-pack DIY unit uses no glue, screws (螺丝钉), wrenches (扳手) or even instruction manuals. Modular (组合的) wood boards, which are identical in size, are slotted (开狭槽于) into grooves (凹槽) in a supporting wall and the rest is up to you. As easy to transport as it is to build.

Designer: Sung Won Park

14. Insert Coin Shelf System:

Vaguely reminiscent of shoe racks which use vertical rather than horizontal stacking, this shelf system uses trays, inserted randomly at different levels on a colorful base, to accommodate just about everything you want on display.

Designed by Nils Holger Moormann, Insert Coin provides potential for just about every look: from higgledy piggledy to extremely straight and narrow.

Designer: Nils Holger Moormann

15. XEL:

Believe that a tidy desk is a sure sign of a sick mind? XEL takes the concept to a new level with its aluminium (铝) and glass rendition (艺术处理) of ordered chaos which ensures you can pack every size and type of book into one space without looking anal (肛门的). Use it like jazz up a stale (陈旧的) room or add contemporary pizzazz (活力或激情) to a funky (胆战心惊的) loft.

Designer website:

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