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31 Modern and Creative Book Shelves

来源:homeinteriorszone 作者: 时间:2008-12-01 Tag:photo   bookshelf   creative   modern   点击: 1533871

Rigidity may be given when it comes to the appearance of books, but modern designers have seen to it that this doesn’t dictate the shelves that house them.

More than ever, personal taste is the deciding factor as storage space is given free reign to interact with design, user and environment. Go with the flow and put your book shelves on show.

1. Console (安慰, 藉慰) Book Shelf:

Reading doesn’t get more comfortable than this. Regardless of where you like to read or study, Stanislav Katz’s Console Book Shelf will keep you engrossed for hours without moving rooms for missing material.

Flanked (立于……之侧) by two fitted shelves on either side and below it, the reclining (斜倚;躺) part of this unit is as aesthetically (审美地, 美学观点上地) appealing as it is functional for reader and book alike.

Designer website:


2. Lago:




Designer website:

When is a bookshelf not a bookshelf? When it’s a letter of the alphabet or a floating square. In short, a Lago invention. Well-known for their fluid, unconventional thinking, Italian masters of innovative furniture design, Daniele Lago and Massimo Bonnetti, have taken their free-thinking brand of expression to new levels with their floating ‘Shelf System’ range.

Called Tangram (七巧板), the shelf system beautifully combines functionality and flexibility in its mission to create interaction between storage unit and items that are being stored.

By creating the illusion of weightlessness, the designers succeed in giving books as much prominence and appeal as the bookshelves, which come in a range of funky designs and shapes.

3. Bookcase Into a Bed:

A great solution for maximizing space, Karen Babel’s bookcase-cum (plus) -bed promises to expand limited home horizons.

The mattress (床垫), which is made of four interlockable (相扣的) pieces, forms the base, which surrounds five storage shelves when placed in an upright position on a wall-mounted frame. To form a bed, the mattress pieces are locked together – with two parts for a single, and four for a double.

Designer:Karen Babel

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