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31 Modern and Creative Book Shelves

来源:homeinteriorszone 作者: 时间:2008-12-01 Tag:photo   bookshelf   creative   modern   点击: 1533881

25. Droopy Book Shelf:

Though it looks like a see-saw (秋千) that could whip in the opposite direction at any given moment, Jill Davis’s angled shelf has enough centrifugal force (离心力) to keep it from flipping (筋斗).

Minimalist in the extreme, its attraction lies in its sheer simplicity and mysterious capacity to keep heavy books afloat. Not quite library material, but ideal for all those manuals and self-help courses you keep dipping into.

Designer website:

26. Book & shelf:

While some shelves are purely functional, others entirely whimsical (古怪的;异想天开的), Haba Yoshitaka’s concept takes individualist fetishism (盲目崇拜) to the limit.

Customized to fit a given set of books exactly within a 36cm square, the unit is cut, assembled and glued around the owner’s personal collection which renders the entire freedom of choice. Ideal if you have a book collection on a specific subject, or want to win eternal points in the personalized gift department.

Designer website:

27. Wall Wave:

Multi-functionality at its most enigmatic, Yoon-Zee Kim’s flowing piece of furniture allows its usage to be interpreted by the user. A zingy (非常漂亮的, 极吸引人的), modular shelf unit easily doubles as a fixed seat and desk space or a platform for hanging pot plants and funky (胆战心惊的) photographs. Seeing is believing. Functionality is in the eye of the user.

Designer: Yoon-Zee Kim

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