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31 Modern and Creative Book Shelves

来源:homeinteriorszone 作者: 时间:2008-12-01 Tag:photo   bookshelf   creative   modern   点击: 1533887

16. Shelf Concept By Okapi Studio

A versatile solution for those who believe their performance is deeply affected by their environment; Okapi Studio’s bookshelf design ensures boredom is out of the question.

Using lightweight modules that can be customized to everyone’s need, Okapi bends rigid shelf norms just enough to challenge the status quo (现状), but not beyond the ridiculous. After all, it makes perfect sense to mould a shelf to fit the book, doesn’t it?

Designer website:

17. File Tree:

Essentially designed as a modern filing cabinet, Laurie Beckerman’s design is just as suited to books. Fitted with solid shelves emanating (发散) like erudite (博学的) rays from a double diamond shape, her genius lies in its simplicity. Minimalist, functional and aesthetically appealing, this Zen item is a sparkling gem (宝石, 珍宝).

Designer website:

18. Split Shelving:

Constructed by cutting a log into four unequal sections and adding a few slats around the side, Peter Marigold’s honeycomb(蜂巢)-like wall units provide endless possibilities for adding new honey to the book hive (蜂房).

Another one is for those who are not crazy about order, but like a geometric slant (倾斜) to their décor (装饰风格). Descriptive rather than prescriptive, Marigold’s tantalizing (挑逗性的) solution is equally useful for stacking loose paper and other knick-knacks (小装饰品;小摆设).

Designer website:

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